
Showing posts from 2020

Film Review:NKCTHI(Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini)

NKCTHI     Well hello guys!It's me Andre again nice to see you back!Okay then,in this blog I will review a very good film from Indonesia called "NKCTHI".Why I choose this film?Well,first it's very inspiring like the moral always there in daily life.It's very similar to my daily life so that's why I choose this film.    First thing first,this film is not a romance movie.Maybe there's a romance a little bit but what I mean is this is a family movie!It teach us about how you respect each other member in your family,how to love them more and try to live a better life with your family condition.The producer,Mas Angga,well he's very smart,I mean he turned a book that filled only like motivation word some like that to become a movie!The book is not a novel or a tale just a bunch of cool words that motivate your day!Come on man how cool is that!  This film also have a great cast.There are Rachel Amanda,Rio Dewanto,Sheila Dara,Donny Damara,Susa

Suggest and Offers

This is a video about Suggestion to choose Abil for the new 3’2022 generation leader. Cast: Diandrei Azkariantama and Jordano Yehezkiel For the video, click me!!!

My Story telling Video

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Corona Brochure

NBA TALKS #2 BROOKLYN NETS    Hi guys!It's been a while since i wrote my blog.Yeah it's a busy week for me and many activity so i can't make a blog.OKAY!Now i will discuss about my favourite NBA team,guess what?Brooklyn Nets!     Do you know Brooklyn Nets?Yes,Brooklyn Nets is a NBA team that located in New York city with the New York Knicks.the team was established in 1967  as a charter franchise of the NBA's rival league, the  American Basketball Association   (ABA).Do you know that Nets win some championship?Yeah there was.The Brooklyn Nets win two ABA Championship in 1974 and 1976.But they never win a NBA championship.So sad:( Deron Williams Some of you maybe wonder why i choose Brooklyn Nets as my favourite team.Maybe people choose Golden State Warriors,Cleveland Cavaliers,Los Angeles Lakers,or maybe Boston Celtics but for me i don't like those teams.Why?Because i like to become an underdog.Maybe the Nets always failed to became a champio

The Good Brother

Once upon a time three princes set out in search of adventures. The two older brothers made fun of their kind-hearted younger brother, who was called Simon. On their way, they came across an anthill. The older brothers wanted to destroy it, but Simon would not let them do so. After a while, they wanted to kill the ducks swimming in the lake. Again, Simon stopped them from doing so. A little later. they came to a tree with a big beehive. “Let’s build a fire. This will suffocate the bees and we can get their honey,” suggested one brother. Again. Simon spoiled their plan. Finally, the princes reached an enchanted castle. “If you want to deliver the castle from enchantment. you have to perform three tasks. You have to collect a thousand pearls lying below the moss. By sunset, even if one pearl is missing, you will be turned into Stone,” said the quaint little man at the castle door. “The key to the princess’s chamber lies at the bottom of the lake. Once the chamber is open you m

Holiday in The Woods

MY HOLIDAY!     HELLO!It's me Andre!OMG it's been a long time I have not make a blog.Okay then first things first,welcome to 2020!I hope in this year there will be a lot great things await for me and all of you!   Well lets get in to the topic,my holiday.I spend my holiday all for Jamadagni!So I had a Basic Education for 8 days in the woods.It started at 26 Desember where all begin.I woke up in the morning be like "this is the day man,let's show the word what i can do".So we gathered in SMAN 3 Bandung for Opening Ceremony at 6.00 am.There's many members of Jamadagni lined up in my left and parents in my right.We heared the speech from many person,like the Commitee of Jamadagni,Satrio Danu,followed by Kang Ilyasa,Bu ranti,and Fatur's father.After that we say goodbye to our family and went to the  camp by army truck. Oh yeah!I almost forgot.The picture above is my family.There are Azkiya,Davina,Aulia Nurhaliza,Fanny Sonia,Alsyadiela,Aulia