Holiday in The Woods


    HELLO!It's me Andre!OMG it's been a long time I have not make a blog.Okay then first things first,welcome to 2020!I hope in this year there will be a lot great things await for me and all of you!

  Well lets get in to the topic,my holiday.I spend my holiday all for Jamadagni!So I had a Basic Education for 8 days in the woods.It started at 26 Desember where all begin.I woke up in the morning be like "this is the day man,let's show the word what i can do".So we gathered in SMAN 3 Bandung for Opening Ceremony at 6.00 am.There's many members of Jamadagni lined up in my left and parents in my right.We heared the speech from many person,like the Commitee of Jamadagni,Satrio Danu,followed by Kang Ilyasa,Bu ranti,and Fatur's father.After that we say goodbye to our family and went to the camp by army truck.

Oh yeah!I almost forgot.The picture above is my family.There are Azkiya,Davina,Aulia Nurhaliza,Fanny Sonia,Alsyadiela,Aulia Shifatur,Shafa Ghani,M.Nurfata,Fanza Risalah,M.Kautsar,and Baghea Ramadhan.We departed 13 people but one of my friend,Abiyesa gave up in the middle of the journey.All of this people helped me for the next 8 days we will go through.

SO!The first 6 days we just doing the same thing.Wake up,change clothes,morning exercise,morning parade,morning routine,lesson,day routine,lesson,night routine,night evaluation,night parade,sleep preparation,and sleep.I can't explain further in this blog because maybe it's classified so I'm sorry:(But if you want to know just contact me!I will tell my story to you personally.

The last 2 days we spent a long march from our camp,Panaruban,to the location of inauguration,Lembang Asri.It took about 18 hours of walking.There's a lot of story in 18 hours but still,classified:)After we walked,we prepared for the last exam,we just do what the member told us.Like squat walking,crawl,and many more.The point is,that was very tired and very scary.After that we are welcomed with the closing ceremony.Oh wow,it's very touching for all of us like,for 8 days we're being trained,tortured,revilled,and many more.After that,we were gifted a blue scarf,a symbol of young member from Jamadagni.

  So,this is my new family.We are 12 strongest people in our school.We can do the impossible things.When one people down,we helped and rise up as a family.We are together and always together.If we have the most difficult condition,just remember all that 8 days we've been through.That's a living prove that we can do all things under pressure.I've learned that I have to focus,spry,persistent,care to myself and others.That's my message.

  This holiday of course been the most memorable of my life.I will never regret what I'm doing at that days.Jamadagni give me a strong heart,careful family,and great minds.That's all for me I hope you will contact me if you want to know the full story okay!Thank you Jamadagni for all of your gift!


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